Lemon Balm Elixir

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For the “Too-Much” ness

Precious lemon balm reduces inflammation in the body, which makes it an excellent support-plant for women leading up to menstruation. Particularly women who struggle with painful or uncomfortable PMS symptoms, this plant can be a powerful ally.

Lemon Balm is a nervine, which helps soothe frazzled nerves. If the world is just "too much" - too much work to do, too many people talking, too much homework, too many quibbles with siblings, too much....... Lemon Balm comes to the rescue!! The Elixir is bright and sweet and can be taken straight from the bottle.

Lemon Balm is also great to soothe the stomach - whether it is nervous stomach from the too muchness or because someone ate too much or ate and then ran around in the heat and their tummy feels yucky.

organic locally grown Lemon Balm, vodka, local honey

Contains honey so not intended for babies under 1

*Also available without honey as straight tincture

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